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Month: July 2023

Principles of Socially Responsible Architecture

Principles of Socially Responsible Architecture

Now that we’ve covered the environmental tenets of responsible architecture, let’s dig further into what social responsibility means in architecture. Socially responsible architects consider the well-being of society in their designs, with the goal of positively affecting the environment, communities, and individuals.  Key principles of socially-responsible architecture include:

Principles of Environmentally Responsible Architecture

Principles of Environmentally Responsible Architecture

Before we explore responsible architecture, we first must understand what it means to be a responsible architect. Responsible architecture focuses on two areas that I will cover in this blog: environmental responsibility and social responsibility. Let’s begin by defining what it means for an architect to be environmentally responsible. Environmentally responsible architects minimize the negative environmental effects of structures by utilizing elements of sustainable design. Key principles of environmentally responsible architecture include: